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and can earn money for her- Mr. Linton makes the following proposition- Viz. that he is willing to pay Edna's expenses back to her mother- she has already over drawn her account at the stores- for which Mr Linton is responsible- 

knowing the man to be responsible- and sustaining a high character for honesty & integrity- and owning a plantation 10 miles from Montecello I did not think it necessary to put him under bond- as he can be found any time- he has been more the victim than the victimizer- I shall write Mrs- Harris, Edna's mother- and make here acquainted with his proposition-

Very respectfully your obedient servant.
A.B. Grunwell
Bt Capt. & S.A.Com
B.R.F. & A.L.


Transcription Notes:
A. B. Grunwell is probably Alfred B. Grunwell