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Office Agent Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Greenville, Ga March 18th 1867
Major F. Mosebach,

Dear Sir,
Two "Freedmen" of this County contracted a debt (each) with a Freedwoman, and she applied to the agent of Pike, an adjoining County in the Macon District for an order (I suppose) to enforce payment, and the agent issued his Warrant, or order, and sends it out by a soldier, and has the Freedman arrested. The employees of one, other than has his services, pays up the amt. of the debt as claimed and $5.00 as costs claim'd by authority of the warrant, and the employer of the others gave him up, and he has not seen him since. These are the facts stated, as I understand them, and we wish to be informed, whether or not an agent of the Bureau is authorized to interfere in private contracts, between them (ie) Freedmen, when the Laws of this State give them, an ample remedy? Was it right to tax the "Freedman" with the $5.00 costs, because he was unable to pay now?. And is it proper for an Agent in another County, to take jurisdiction in cases in this County, when the agent here, has not refused to act? If the agent in this County, should refuse to act in any case, must not the appeal be made to the Commissioner of the District? This Agent, frequently extends his jurisdiction over a portion of this County, and the Planters in that section, have made frequent complaints of his summary manner, interrupting their business, without any notice.

I am Major, Very Respectfully Yr ob st
W.A. Adams, Agt

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