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Office Agent Bureau RF& AL
Pike County Ga
Zebulon April 1st 1867

Capt N. Sellers Hill
S A Comr &c
Macon Ga

Sir, I am in receipt of a communication made by W.A. Arnold, Esq. agent BRF & AL for Meriwether County to Major Mosebach SA Comr of the Columbus Dist complaining of certain acts of mine, with an endorsement by the Asst. Comr &c in reply to which I would beg leae to make the following statement. On the 20th of Feby last Cherry Eubank applied to this office for assistance to collect some money that was due her by two freedmen in Meriwether County, viz. Toney Brown & Simon Campbell, I did not desire to have anything to do with the matter as it was out of my County but she insisted so hard, stating that she had already applied to Mr. Arnold Agt of Meriwether & he refused to do any thing for her at all - this was not the first time I have heard that Mr. Arnold would not trouble himself to assist the freed people only in certain cases, for numbers of them have applied to me to assist them in obtaining their rights, saying that they have applied to Mr. A, & he would not assist them, taking all these facts into consideration & not having received circular No 2 Feby 12 1867, dividing the State into Districts I thought it well enough to send for this woman's money, hence I issued the following order,

Office Agt. B.R.F.& A .L.
Pike Co. Ga Feby 20 1867

Private Bristol, you will please go to Mr. Isham