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L. & B. P. 81.
No 448

Office Sub. Asst. Com'r Bur. R.F & AL.
Cuthbert Ga. April 23, 1867.

J.D. Stapleton Esq.
Agt. etc. Trenton Ga

The enclosed copy of portions of a letter received at my office yesterday (not signed by any body) alleges the perpetration of an outrage on a negro man. You are respectfully requested to have the parties arrested and brought before you and if anything of the kind has happened, turn the parties over to the County Court for immediate preliminary trial & if guilty see to it that they are bound over to the Superior Court in good and sufficient bonds. Please to represent the negro and the trial and see to it, that the case is fairly tried. Send the boy after the trial out of harms way if you deem it necessary but have him, where he can be had at the proper time. Please report as soon as possible the result of your proceedings.

I remain, very respectfully
Your obed. servt.
Signed J.A.H. Gaebel
1 Lieut 45 US Infy Sub. Asst. Commr.
Bur. R.F & AL

For a copy
J M Tarley USA