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Staid there two months  Left Mr Dawsons because he wanted to whip him. He was carried before Judge Stapleton in Webster County (agt Bureau) on account of Mr. Sim's whipping him. The first time he was carried before Stapleton he was hung up by the thumbs. Judge Stapleton decided that he should have a chain round his neck and carry a ball. The chain that was put round his neck was done in accordance with the orders of Judge Stapleton  Mr. Statham put the chain round his neck the first part of the night, and chained him to a tree, Stapleton had told him to do so. Stapleton told Stathm to feed him on bread and water for fifteen days, Mr. Statham gave him meat to eat in the time. He was taken from the tree where he was chained about ten or eleven oclock. Mr. Sims was with Mr. Statham when he took him from the tree, ([[?]] now Henry Sims)