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George Ennis sworn for deft. Says he staid at Mr Stathams last Saturday night was a week, Mr. Statahm was not from home that night unless he went off while witness was asleep. They went to bed at late bed time  When they lay down the negro was chained to a house log - thinks if Mr Statham had carried the negro off & [[tortured?]] him as he says thinks he would probably have known it.

Does not sleep very sound - he got to Mr. Statham about dark.

W C McGrady sworn for Deft. Says he staid at John Stathams last Saturday night was a work got there about dark Mr Ennis was there the same night - went to bed he supposes about 9 or 10 oclock, he Mr Statham & Ennis slept in same bed, Mr Statham was not absent