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saying "What did you call the Police for? do you think the Police could do you any good?" I replied "no, but when three armed men enter by force at night an  unprotected womans house, she will call for help whether or not it comes." These men deny their conduct, indeed their Officer flatly contradicted  me when I told him of it, but I am prepared to substantiate all these facts, and again Sir I claim at your hands justice, 'tis all I ask.

I refused to give up these children not from any selfish consideration. They were only a trouble and responsibility but because I loved them, and having the Military, Civil, and natural law on my side, I resisted as far as I was able, this piece of tyranny which I refer to you: Relying on right instead of might, I look for redress for my husbands false imprisonment and the forcible detention of these children from my legal possession.

I have not written every detail, because my letter is already long, but if I have not elucidated these facts sufficiently, I am prepared to answer any questions which may arise in relation to the matter.

Very Respectfully,
Fanny L. Bellamy.