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Sandersville Feby 23d 1867

Col C.C. Sibley

Dear Sir:
Yours of the 16th inst has been received and in answer to your inquiries state that there are about ten thousand inhabitants in this county and from the best information I can get there are in this number about fifteen hundred dependent upon charitable contributions. This number includes old men, women and children of both white and colored.

To your 2nd inquiry: I answer that there are now no supplies for the dependent in this county from any source whatever.

Heretofore all contributions of provisions for the dependant have been distributed through the agency of the Inferior Court of this county, but great complaints were made by some who were really destitute, saying that others received contributions who were not in need, and if you will send the contributions to me I will see that they are properly applied and give the matter my personal attention. 

Respectfully &c
James G. Brown
Agt. F.B &c A.L.