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Savannah Ga. April 25th 1867

Col. C. C. Sibley U.S.A.
Comd'y &c. Macon, Ga. 

We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt today of yr. favor of the 20th contents of which have our attention. 

In reply we wil. state that sometime since we were requested to Gen'l Tillson, to protect the interests of the Freedmen employed by Winchester & Schuyler, holding funds for them, subject to his order, as Agt. for the Freedmen of St. Catherines Id. 

In compliance with this request we placed, to the Cr. of "Davis Tillson Agt." say $1995 85/100, being balance of the Profit according to W. & S. from sales of their Cotton sent to L'pool; since this division we have rec'd  no further sales, tho' there is still some 39 Bays Cotton in L'pool. for their a/c.. Nearly or quite all of the Cotton of this Firm, was shipped prior to the request of Gen'l Tillson at we referred to, & as we had advanced heavily to W. & S. we drew against each shipment, & placed proceeds of sale of all these Sterling Bills to their Cr. & the Am't being divided as above, $1995 85/ went to Cr. of the Freedmen.

Transcription Notes:
W. & S. = Winchester and Schuyler