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against this unusual course of action, and accepted the rent offered for use of the land up to 1st Jany 1867.
They now feel that any emergency which for the public good might have necessitated an occupation of their land cannot probably exist, and trust that the Assistant Commissioner will at an early day relieve them from this encumbrance upon their property which forbids many uses or improvements otherwise to be expected. In the mean time they respectfully ask for just compensation for the occupation and use of these lands for hospital purposes, taking into consideration the probable market value of them, and the interest which property worth so much should yield they ask and opportunity of proving the value of these lands, suggesting the first Wednesday in May next as a convenient time when the board above requested might convene and the land owners and their witnesses meet them.

This opportunity by a misapprehension was not heretofore given to the property owners hence an erroneous estimate of value was forwarded to the Head Quarters of the Bureau. They expect at an early day to sell the above specified property for building lots.
Very respectfully colonel
Your ob't serv't's
Jane Bryan
M.B. Grant
Agt. Est. B.A. White [[D'ced?]]