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H. Bryan. A. L. Hartridge. E. W. S. Neff.
Bryan, Hartridge & Co.
Commission Merchants and Brokers,
No. 163 Bay Street.
Savannah, Ga., May 11 1867

Col. C.C. Sibley U.S.A.
Comd'g Macon Ga.   Dr. Sir, Since our letter to you in reference to the D the Cr., on our Books, of "Davis Tillson Agt." we have had a visit from Capt. Winchester of the Island, who expresses himself as dissatisfied with the arrangement you have made to have a bal. in our hands, as security for any loss on the Cotton now unsold & in Spool. & desires us to pay over the entire Am't to Lieut Hoag, so that the matter may be closed at once. Under these circumstances we have to request that an Order may be given us to pay over  Bal. due to yr. Ag't here. Capt. Winchester I Lieut Hoag expect to leave here Tuesday next for St. Catherines Island & they  desire bal. to be turned over to them prior to that day.

We remain Colonel
Yr. Obt. Servts
Bryan Hartridge & Co.