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Columbus Geo. May 15" 1867

To Col: Sibley U.S.A.
Macon Geo

Dear Sir
The undersigned citizens of Columbus Geo beg leave, on reference of J M Brown Esq Treasurer of the Southern Famine Relief Commission N.Y. to solicit a shipment of corn here, for the benefit of the very needy poor of the city & vicinity.

We need scarcely recapitulate the many cases of individual necessity among us calling for the relief, but beg leave to assure you of its urgent need.

We will refer you as a guaranty of the truth of any statements we would make to the following well known citizens of Macon viz: Messrs J.C. Hunt, S.M. Farrar, Jno. G. Jones, & Revd E.W. Warren. Any supplies forwarded to us will be distributed through the agency of the several Pastors of the churches of the City

We are very Truly yr obt sevts
Jas F. Bozeman
W.H. Young
D.F. Willcox
D.G. Bowers
Citizens of Columbus Georgia