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I am orderd. but would most respectfully ask permission to remain here long enough to close up my business before leaving home and in the meantime will make my returns for this month and settle with the persons I have employed to haul supplies

My object in visiting that District at this time was to inform myself in relation to affairs there and to select suitable persons to distribute the rations &c. I found very good men for that purpose. I also made very careful inquiries in regard to the condition of the Freedmen and learned to my satisfaction that they are doing as well and I think even better than the poorer class of Whites. there may be and I presume are at Dahlonega and vacinity a few Blacks that require some attention and assistance

There is considerable destitution and suffering among the poorer classes and unlike the Rail Road towns do not receive as many supplies from Aid Societies and other sources being so far inland the cost of transporting so far with teams is the only