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C. 3 L.B.B. O.S.A.C.

C. 65. O.A.C. Vol 2. 1867

G 182. R.F.A.L. Vol 9. 67.

Will he accept Irwin & Worth
Sign En oath & return

Recd O.S.A.C.
Mar 25th/67

Bureau RF and A Lands
Office Sub Asst Com Sub Dist Thomasville
Thomasville Ga. Mar. 25th 1867.

Respectfully forwarded with the recommendation that Dr Wm C. Carson be appointed paid Agent Bureau R.F. and A. Lands There is no doubt as to his Loyalty or ability

W. F. White
Capt V.R.C. and Sub Asst. Com

C. 4. E. & M.

(1 Encls)

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. REC'D MAR 28 67 GEORGIA. OFFICE ASS'T. COMM'R. [[/stamp]]

Office A Comr Bureau RF & AL
Macon Ga., Mch 30, 1867.

Respectfully returned thru Capt W F. White. S.A. Comr Thomasville Ga, If Dr W. C. Carson will accept the Agency of Irwin and Worth Counties. with his Head Quarters at the County Seat of one of the Counties, and will subscribe and take the enclosed oath before some Judicial Officer, his application will be forwarded and recommended.

Return these papers with answer to above Enquiries

By order of Col C C. Sibley
Geo R Walbridge
Capt & AAIG

E. & M. 258, }
Vol. 2.      }

Recd O.S.A.C.
April 2/67