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C. 67 O.AC Vol 2 1867
Teacher Plantation
Aug 8/67 
Camden Co. Ga. 
Apl 5, 87,
C. 135. R.F.A.L. Vol 9, '67,

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Clinch, Duncan F.

States that he is in the control of a large Negro population, has 175 on his plantation, that have no place of worship, nor any school house. Wishes assistance in building such buildings- and promised to refund the money as soon as able.

Recd Apl 13 '67

War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington April 15 1867

Respectfully referred to Colonel C.C. Silby Assistant Commissioner for Georgia

By order of
Major Genl O.O. Howard

A.P. Ketchum
Actg ASst Adgt General

Rec. O.F.A.C. Brunswick May 11th 67
Office A.Com B of R and A.L.
Macon Ga April 24 1867

Respectfully referred to Bvt Col. E.M.K. Epley S.A.C. Brunswick Ga. for full investigation, report and recommendations. Attention invited to his now compliance with Circular No 5 C.S. War Dept. B of R & A.L.

By Order
Col C.C. Silby
E&M 307 
Vol. 2.5

Eugene Pickett
Capt & AAAG

E & M P. 26 [[?]] 263 O.S.A.C.
Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Sub D. of Brunswick Geo
Brunswick Aug 8th 1867

Respectfully returned to Col. C. C. Sibley - Asst. Comr Geo - Upon investigation it is found that there is need on Mr Cs place of some suitable house for school and church purposes, and a very great need of the presence of some person to not only teach children their A.B.C. - but also to instruct the adults in their rights privileges and duties. 

The erection of a school house upon this plantation, would leave the needs of several others unprovided for whose claims are equally urgent.