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Gnerchei Plantation
April 5th 1867

Genl O. O. Howard
Washington City


Your Official Petition renders I hope useless any apology on my part for addressing you on behalf of my freed men. I have always provided religious instruction for my people, but now I am unable to do so. The building formerly used for that purpose is no longer useful or appropriate, and I can begin to build another as a chapel and a School House. I have promised my people I would do to and organize the School for them as soon as possible, but will not be able to do so this year without assistance. I learn there are associations for the purpose of aiding such enterprises. My object in writing is to enquire if such be the fact and to request you will be kind enough to place me in communication with such or simply refer this letter to them, as I am aware I can not expect you to give your personal attention to such small personal matters. I would state I have about 175 negroes on my place and hope to [[?]] the number as soon as my means will enable me to build Houses. I am in