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good laborers to settle upon it and enable me to get rid of the idle and vicious. My neighbors will thus be compelled to follow my example or lose their best hands. I mention this motive in order I may be clearly understood, need aware how grossly our acts and intentions are misunderstood I am not aware that my own personal political views should affect the question at all. You will understand me when I say that I accept and realize to its fullest extent the present status but have not yet learned to love the hand that punishes me. I much fear that in a few years, the negro will be the better educated class of the two. Congregated as they are upon large estates they can be readily and cheaply reached. White or poor whites are dispersed over a large area rendering it almost impossible to reach many of them, but unless teachers be found, imbued with the same religious zeal which activates the missionary. Much difficulty will be found in procuring them. In my own case, a woman would not do, from social reasons, for the kind have no where to live, unless alone. I can furnish a comfortable House, but nothing else, but this communication is already too long. Although personally unknown to you, I can furnish such evidence of my social position as may be necessary, both myself and my family being well known both North and South. My address is Jeffersonton, Camden Co. Ga.   I am General very Respectfully your obt Sevt.

Duncan F Clinch