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C. 68. O.AC Vol 2 1867
Office A. Comm, Bureau of R.F.& A.L.
Macon, Ga, May 10, 1867

Respectfully referred to Major General O. O. Howard, Com'r
with request that transportation may be ordered for 6 or 8 children per week from Atlanta, Ga. to Adrian, Mich.
There are many orphans in the various hospitals of the state who cannot be apprenticed here, whom it is desired to provide for in this manner.

C. C. Sibley
Colonel 16th US Infy
& Asst Comm
E.& M. 3}
Vol. 3}

c.q.m. 1st
[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON REC'D MAY 14 1867 [[/stamp]]
[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. OFFICE ASS'T COMM. REC'D MAY 9 '67 GEORGIA [[/stamp]]