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Dade County has about one hundred destitutes of which but very few are Colored. There are [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] Comparatively few in the County & they mostly are employed by the wealthiest Class of Farmers

Walker & Chattooga Counties are in some what worse circumstances than the surrounding Counties from the fact that they are more isolated & have received less assistance from Charitable Societies

I would respectfully Inquire whether or not that Counties that receive aid from Benevolent associations do not pay cost of Transportation I had so understood it here. The Inferior Court Justices say they cannot get the money and they [[strikethrough]] sell [[/strikethrough]] give one sixt of the corn to pay for the Transportation of the remaining five sixts I have entered my protest against it  was I justified in so doing!

In summing up the total amount of destitutes in these three Counties it will not deviate much from five hundred & fifty persons there are no Supplies in Dade or Chattooga Counties. in Walker County there is about fifteen sacks of corn & no meat

Mr Selvage the R.R. Agt. at Dalton reports no supplies there

hoping that my report will meet with [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] the favorable consideration of the Commissioner
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
your obedient servant
D. J. Curtis Special Agt &c
Walker Co.