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Bureau RF and AL
Office Agt Butler Georgia
March 9th. 1867

Respectfully returned to Col. C C Sibley USA A Comr State of Georgia with the report that I have fully investigated the enclosed account between Archibald Mathews and the within named freedmen, and find that the supplies were furnished the freedmen in 1866 and that fact of the Bills bearing date 1863 is owning to an error in copying.

I have called the items over to the most intelligent of the freed people, - parties to the contract, - who freely acknowledge that the articles were furnished as recorded, and in addition there to an amount of $40 for cotton seed which has been paid since the Acct was made.

From diligent enquiring as to the character of the men making official relative to the amt of Crops

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L. OFFICE ASST. COMMR. Georgia RECD MAR 10 67 GEORGIA [[/stamp]]

gathered it is believed that the enclosed statement of the same is correct, and the estimated value of the crops made by Mr Harmon is thought to be equitable, from which it appears there is nothing due the freedmen.

In regard to the report that the property of "one of the freedmen" (Wiley) or consisting of 22 hogs @ $5 each and Blacksmith's tools worth $40 making both hogs and tools, which is less than Wiley's share of indebtedness to Mr. Mathews whose receipt and a statement of the purchaser I enclose.  The value of the property must have been over estimated as without doubt Mr Mathews from self interest would have obtained the highest price for it.

Further Mr Mathews appears to be kindly and liberally disposed towards these freed people, perhaps naturally so as two of the the girls (daughters of Sallie) are his own children.

I have made extract from the enclosed Report of Captain George R Walbridge A.A. Inspt'r General in regard to the murder of freedmen Stephen Edwards and will take proper action when the case comes before the Superior Court next month.

James P. Davenport
Agent Bureau R.F. & A.L.

Brief & file

Transcription Notes:
please read instructions, ignore indents, made corrections, if writer wrote '&' for 'and' please transcribe as written '&' per instructions