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Exemplification and remarks

Report of the Crop  See Affidavits attached 

Weathers Land

150 Bushels corn 1/3 off for Rent leaves 100 Bushels @ $1.50 per Bu $150.00 
1350 lb cotton, ⅓ off for rent leaves 900 lbs @ 25c per lb 225.00 
85 Bu potatoes ⅓ off for Rent 56½ Bu @ 25 per Bu 141.27 
60 Syrupp (Sorgum) ⅔ off for rent & boiling 20 at 50c per Gal 10.00 
Total Amt 399.12
Fodder to pay ⅓ rent it is worth the other ⅔ to save it &c.

Adams Land
150 Bu corn at $1.50 per Bu 225.00 
300 lb seed cotton will make 100 lb lint at 25c 25.00 
Fodder the same above 250.00 
$40.00 off. for cotton seed to plant (not included in a/c)  40.00 
Total Amt 190.00 
Weathers land  399.127
Adams & Weathers Land Grand Total 589.127

Amt allowed Freedmen for labor 734.00 
Amt of the Crop after paying rent 589.60½ 
Loss on Mathews besides the geathering of the crop & Cash &c  144.87½

Total loss of Mathews would not be less than five hundred Dollars to include cash and expenses to say nothing of labor and interest on capital by reference to judgement rendered thus is no chance to recover anything more than he has already got.  The only dissatisfaction that Wiley Expressed to me was the he thought there was laborers enough to make farming profitable and that it was a bad crop year and if Mathews would continue their friend and give them the necessary aid that they were willing to work for him under a similar contract for any number of years he might designate & this I told to Mathews  he replied that he would loose over five hundred dollars and agreeable to his judgement the longer they continue the worse it would be and that Wiley was a good Blacksmith and that his boys was good able hands & if they would all hire out that they might make some money and as to Sally herself and two daughters should not suffer and if they would