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December 11th 1866
Georgia Talbot County

I do hereby certify that I bought from Archibald Matthews his crop grown on the land rented from Daniel Wethers I have gathered the same and from the very best calculation I can make I gathered some one Hundred and fifty Bushels of corn incluing short corn and all I gathered the cotton and I think I shall have Three Bales weighing four hundred and fifty pounds And say 80 Bushels of Potatoes and something like sixty gallons syrup   The fodder off the corn not known what come off of the 150 bushels of Corn which includes the entire Crop Bught by me from said Archibald Matthews One third of said Crop goes to Daniel Wethers for rent of his land on which the crop was made.
F. T. Weathers

Georgia Talbot County
I William Jones do hereby certify that I was present at a Settlement at which tha agreed final between Wiley Searcey A freedman and Archibald Mathews and Said Freedman Wiley Expressed himself feeling satisfyed 
Given under my hand This 12 day of Decr 1866.
W. T. Jones