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Bureau Refugees Freedman & A L
Office A A Insp General
Savannah Ga January 6th 1867

Brevet Maj General Davis Tillson 
Asst Commiss'r State of Ga

I have the honor to report that in compliance with Special order No 1 from your office dated January 3d 1867, I proceeded on that date to Augusta Ga and commenced at once to investigate the frauds reported to have been perpetrated upon the Government by the disposal of Govt Transportation to one John Allen cold for 196 Adults and 29 children freedpeople from Columbia S.C to Shipworths Landing Miss. Upon Examining the records in the office of the Georgia Rail Road at Augusta I find that on the 27th day of Nov 1866 a Mr Schriver from South Carolina presented to the Conductor of the Ga Rail Road Govt Transportation No 58.128 issued at Columbia SC to John Allen (Cold) for 196 Adults & 29 Children (freedpeople) from Augusta to Atlanta Ga (En route to Shipworths Landing Miss) and that said order was signed & receipted by John Allen for the full number when in fact the whole number transported over the Road was only 87. Upon examining the order I find that the original number had been erased from the receipt & the number (87) inserted instead, & that said alteration and Erasure was made after Brigd Genl Sewall had visited Augusta