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Pike County 
personally appeared Before me C. M. Milson one of the justices of the peace in and for said county. Elissander Allen Nathan Allen Lissy Reid and Eliser Allen who being duly sworn deposed and said the mittering facts were just and true.

the above persons says Mark Matthews made A speech at flat Rock church on the fourth Sunday in October 1866. Said Matthews said if they would gou to Tennessee or Mississippi they would furnish them a hors or mule and find them the first year and I could half enquire them folk they made the first year thereafter that they could buy land.

Said Matthews said after this year the Buerou [[Bureau]] Would Bee [[be]] done away with and you all will be pretty much like you was before the War.

Said Matthews said there would bee free transportation until Cristmuss [[Christmas]] and said Matthews said we could school our own children and said if you make a school here you would find your teachers or your children tied and in the Bottom of some river or Creek 

Matthews said he could not Doo [[do]] his duty today - he did not have enough of title caps along he would bring from one to twenty the next time he came

Transcription Notes:
mittering: law term meaning "passing",from the French