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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office A. Asst Inspt Gen'l
Savannah Ga Dec 1866


Bvt Maj General Davis Tillson
Asst Comr. Ga

In compliance with Special Orders No. 170. from your office, dated Novr. 30th 1866., I proceeded to Butler, Taylor Co to investigate the charges referred to in the enclosed report of Lt Dodt; against J. L. Harmon Agent of the Bureau at that place. Upon examining his records, I found that the charge of collusion with Archibald Matthews in endeavoring to defraud Sally, Green & Abram Matthews and Wiley Searcey (freedpeople) ont of their just dues, was not entirely sustained, - The records of Mr Harmon, Agent, show that on Sept 4th /66 the parties were all notified to appear before him for a settlement. - The defendant Archibald Matthews did not appear, judgement was rendered against him for $734.00 being the amount due the plaintiffs for 8 months