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at once to receive the evidence upon the following charges, preferred by Bvt Col Ehlers Agt. Mr Swayze.


1st Making false representations to the freedmen to induce them to leave this section of the Country.

2nd - Promising freedpeople that he would see them located in the West and failed to do so.

3rd Attempting to defraud freedpeople by endeavoring to compel them to pay for transportation provided by Government.

To sustain the 1st charge "of false promises made to freedman, to induce them to go West" the affidavits of 8 persons were taken, (and herewith annexed Marked "A") by which it appears that a certain agent, who it is represented acted by and with the advice of Swayze, did make some very extravagant, wild, and false statements, but it only appears from one affidavit (Jas. S. Boynton) that he made these statements by and with the consent of Swayze, and only then in general terms by his stating that his (the Agents) speeches to the freedpeople

Transcription Notes:
e instructions are not to truncate words, first word completed on previous page so not transcribed twice