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but it does not appear that they did not obtain good homes or that they did not go West. Nor was it shown that any of the freedpeople objected to going farther off after Mr Swayze left them, As both these affidavits furnished, were made by parties not interested and one of them (Briggs) an enemy of Swayze's. I am inclined to the belief that they were prompted by malice, and not from any intention to secure the rights of the freedpeople, or for the purpose of adjusting any wrong that had been committed upon them,

To sustain Charge 3rd "attempting to defraud freedpeople by compelling them to pay for transportation furnished by the Government" two freedpeople were sworn, and made affidavits (herewith annexed Marked "C") that they had contracted with Mr Swayze to go West (with the understanding that they could get off wherever they liked), that they started from Thomaston, Upson C. and when they arrived at Griffin, they concluded to go no further, that Mr Swayze demanded from one $40. (for a family of four.) and from another (freedman) and three children) $20, for their expenses. - This story