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D. 109. O.A.C. Vol 2 1867

Office Sub Asst Com'r
Atlanta Ga Mr. 20th 1867.

Respectfully refered to Colonel C. C. Sibley Asst. Commissioner State of Georgia.

LR. B. A 75 DG


E & M. 161 O.S.A.C. Atlanta

Inclosures (4)

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F & A.L. GEORGIA OFFICE ASS'T. COMM'R. REC'D MAR 21 67 [[/stamp]]

Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Macon, Ga., March 21st 1867.

Respectfully referred to Col. C. C. Sibley, Comd'g Dist. of Georgia, with the request that a Commissioned officer and 10 men be sent to Newnan and ordered to remain until after the holding of the meeting on the 30th inst., referred to within; and if, in the judgment of the officer sent, it is necessary, a non-commissioned officer and 6 men be left there until further orders. It is also respectfully requested that these papers be given to the officer detailed, and that he return the same with his report of the condition of affairs at Newnan.

By order of Col. C. C. Sibley,
Ass't Com'r.
Geo R Walbridge
Capt. & A.A.I.G.

E. & M. 215, Vol. 2.