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Newnan Ga
Mach 17th 1867

Col. Dunning
Atlanta Ga.

Dr Sir
The object of this communication to you is to give you an idiea of the importance of making this place a military post for the safety and protection of Union Loyal men - And this Section of Country has in it numbers of union men. But they feel that it is unsafe to own it, and feel at present unprotected from the feeling manifested toward them. Besides this these hundreds of Colored people who are still in object Slavery. And demand protection under the Civil rights Bill. I tell you Sir, that there is no place on the face of the globe - Where there is Such a hostile feeling manifested towards the union men of this Country - And the Colored population,
This Sir, is Certainly one of the most important points to be garrisoned in all the Southeren Country. As I belive it to be one of the Chief Cornor Stones of Secession. Which seems to be as strong and as defiant today, as at any time during the rebellion. Ist it asstonishingly strange that men of intelligence will so disregard theire Oaths. The amnesty of 1862 on the terms of Stipulation of the Surrender of 1865