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Bureau of Refugees F. & A.L.
Office sub. Ass't Commr.
Rome Ga Mar 28th 1867

Col C. C. Sibley U.S.A.
Com'dg District. of Ga Ass't Commr.


I have the honor to report that, in accordance with instructions contained in your communication of the 18th I proceeded to Lafayette Walker Co. on the 24th inst to investigate the case of Ezekil Pool "Freedman." I summoned all parties interested, together with witnesses. Starling Mood presented an account of $113,47 against the Freedman Ezekil Pool, who in turn, presented his account, against Starling Mood, to the amount of $50,85, After examining witnesses, on both sides, I reduced the account of Mood to $29,78/100, and that of the "Freedman" against Mood to $42,85/100. In case where expenses were incurred by an attachment of property of the Freedman by civil authorities, at instigation of 

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