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Mood to the amount of $10,05, which had been paid by the Freedman, I decided the amount would be paid over to him by Mood, making in all $23.10/000 due the freedman Pool for which Mood gave satisfactory security & promise to pay Mar 30th 1867. He also give certificate properly signed and witnessed which I enclose (marked B)

I have the honor to report further that in my opinion there was no just cause of complaint against the Agent as when complain was made to him the cases were in the civil courts and he could do nothing until he first saw if the Freedman received Justice at the hands of the civil authorities.

The Agents in many instances would do more when called upon if they had the power but they summons parties who refuse to appear and will not recognize their authority in proof of which I will state that during the time I was there I adjudicated cases that he had not been able to. In some cases claims of Freedmen against their employer as far back as 1865  Claims that were promptly paid by the employer in accordance with my decision

I have the honor, to