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July 12, 1983 
(genus Megaptera)

An ever-increasing attraction off the Massachusetts coast is whale-watching. Shown here is a Humpback Whale starting to breach. The Humpback can attain a length of 60 feet and a weight of 50 tons. At birth they weigh approximately one ton and are generally 15 feet in length. 
Photo by John Alderson

My dear Lillian,
I want you to know how much I appreciate the Hofmann show 

Coastal Colour Products, Box 73, Danvers, MA 01923

[[stamp]] Nell Blaine Eudora Cottage
3 Ledge Road
E. Gloucester, Mass 01930 [[/stamp]]

folder (AFA Show). 


I would have acknowledged sooner but between my show & moving here I was swamped. 
Breaching now!

Plastichrome Boston, MA 02130-4598