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Jean Garrigue
1912 - 1972

The personal library of the poet Jean Garrigue, two thousand books, among them annotated volumes of her own poetry and the works of many other poets, has in accordance with her wishes been presented as a gift to the Lucy Scribner Library of Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York.

Her association with Skidmore, its library and Saratoga, came about through her residences at Yaddo, her readings at the College, and frequent stays with friends in the town.  In 1970 Skidmore conferred upon her an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters, and she delivered the second Steloff Lecture, an annual address in honor of Frances Steloff of the Gotham Book Mar, whose personal library also forms a part of the Skidmore College Library.

On April 25, 1974, in ceremony at the Library, the gift was formally made by Aileen Ward, executor of the Garrigue estate, and accepted on behalf of Skidmore by Mr. Alvin Skipsna, Librarian.  Dr. Edwin M. Mosely, Provost, who arranged the occasion, Dr. Joan C. Siegfried, Chairman of the Library Committee, and Dr. Joseph Palamountain, President, spoke of the poet and the Library.  The occasion marked the accession of the 200,000th book by the Library, a volume from the Garrigue collection.  The Steloff Lecture for 1974 was delivered by Jane Mayhall, on the subject of Jean Garrigue's poetry.  Following the ceremony, a concert of piano music was presented in memory of the poet by her sister, the pianist Marjorie Garrigue.

This publication, marking the gift, presents Jean Garrigue's acceptance remarks when she received her honorary degree in 1970, with poems she then read.  Here too is presented, from the dedication ceremonies, comment on the poet's library by Aileen Ward; a poem in her memory by Professor Laurence Josephs, poet and member of the Skidmore Department of English, read by him at the dedication; the text of the Steloff Lecture for 1974, entitled "A Reckless Grandeur:  The Poetry of Jean Garrigue"; and a list of the poet's published books.  

(The bookplate on the cover is a pen drawing made by the artist Nell Blaine for the collection.  The typography and printing are by Darrell Hyder, North Brookfield, Massachusetts, and the edition has been published as a gift to Skidmore College by the Eakins Press Foundation, New York City.)

of proof pages from a memorial booklet presented with library to Skidmore.
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