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Pauline Hanson poet - also long time "secĂ˝ & assist. director really of YADDO . NB"

17 December.

Dear Nell: 

Before I leave for a week in Brookline, I wanted to write you little note.

Just to say that I get full and wonderful reports of you from Leslie and Jane. Bless them. Last report from Leslie was that you look so pretty - you shine, he says. And when he speaks of you painting he uses larger words than I've ever heard him use of any painters around or lately on the scene. He closes his eyes; shakes his head a bit, from side to side; and then uses this large word, that large word. With me quiet as a mouse and all listening. And I know what he means.

If ever I get to NYC I'm going to write and make an appointment with you - if I may. To see that glow he speaks of. Glow of you and of the work.

How you have amazed, and how you amaze, and how you are going to amaze: the painting world, the medical world, and your admirers and friends. 

Nell Dear, God and you know, and the rest of us have ideas, as to what you're going to do in 1961 and in the years thereafter.

Much, much love to you.


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