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Perspective des septs ponts

Dear Clifford,-

I often wonder how near here you are so far. I've wandered about and I finally had my ulcers cut out here, which seems to be turning out very well - I have to go eat in Switzerland for two months now to grow a new stomach - such luxury. The loveliest thing in Europe is Miss Alice Toklas, what a pleasure and what a dear. I wonder how your work is getting on. I see Truman Capote who at once said nice things about you. - Edwin

[[stamp]] PARIS- [[?]] [[?]]
18 *
16 - 7
1948 [[/stamp]]

[[middle margin]] Editions d'Art "Yvon", 15, Rue Mariel, Paris
Fabrication française - Reproduction interdite [[/middle margin]]

Mr. Clifford Wright
near Saratoga
Saratoga Spgs 
New York

Please Forward

[[note]] poet Edwin Denby to painter Clifford Wright [[/note]]