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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE "Mitch" Goodman, friend

Horizon press is proud to announce that it will publish on September 25th a first novel by Mitchell Goodman, THE END OF IT, which has already received extraordinary praise from advance readers:

NORMAN MAILER: "Mr. Goodman's book is unlike any other war novel I have engages the literary problem of saying something new about war...the events of the book arrange themselves like the parts and beauties of a plant."

WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS: "The reading of this novel of the war has stirred me to the grass roots. No other account of that war has stirred me so deeply."

SIR HERBERT READ: "It is extremely vivid and gives one the real feeling of the impact of war on a sensitive nature. One also feels underneath the conflict between two civilizations."

NORMAN HOLMES PEARSON: "It was an exciting experience to feel Italy come alive before my eyes and in my blood. THE END OF IT is one of the very few good novels of World War II written by an American--terrifyingly direct and powerfully vivid as it relates the growth, death and rebirth of the spirit of an American who fought in an Italy that endured. The book is much more than a moment in history; it is written for today also."

the time and place of the novel is the Italian Campaign during the Second World War. The story begins with an act of love--lover for a woman with whom Lieutenant Freeman spends some days--and love for Italy. Starting slowly, even peacefully, the pace builds as the stalemate in the moon-mountains of Italy becomes a running fight and then a pursuit, animated by the corporate machines of modern war. The action sweeps through Italy which is described in all its warmth of flesh and stone, grape and olive.

the Lieutenant comes to the war as to a game, is caught in the bewildering mass of it, a journey toward death, and back into life--through darkness to daylight and the end of it.

Mitchell Goodman was born in Brooklyn, attended Harvard for a time, served in the Army, returned to Harvard, but abandoned an academic career when he went to Europe in 1947. He there met and married the English (now American) poet, Denise Levertov. They have one son.


Publication Date: September 25, 1961  Price $4.50