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recover the full use of his legs after the "miracle" operation on his spine. What you may not know is that Marya has just undergone major surgery. Anyway, I won't be visiting there until the spring. I shall be in Cambridge for Xmas with my French fosters friend.

I spent Thanksgiving at the Cafe (with the same young man who took me to McDowell - a very good friend who teaches here in the French Dept.) in a marvellous old house overlooking the sea at Sagamore Heights. I began to feel creative while there and worked on my novel. During the summer vacation I did a translation from the French for Pat Gregory's firm - Koht, my first professional translation. It is a History of the Empresses of Byzantium.

I want very much to introduce a young friend of mine to you - I gave her your phone number, but she was too shy to call you, so I wonder if you would call her? She is a genius, she sings at the Gaslight and the Bitter End, and also goes to other cities such as Cleveland, Scenechtady [[Schenectady]], etc. She graduated from this Univ. last June and was in my house. She is half American Indian, and I think you will be enchanted with her singing - especially the intimate kind of singing she does when alone with a few friends. She is a very courageous girl, and has given up everything - marriage, security, family ... to follow her star. She will be in New York from now until Xmas. Could you give her a ring before then? Her name is Buffie Saint-Marie. Her address: 116 Perry St. Apt. J55. New York 14. Her phone no. AL5-0649 (the phone is in the name of her room-mate, Pat Wood.) Buffie is a real artist, and I want her so much to know you and Dilys. She is to be found at home between 10, and 10 30 or 11, AM. She works most of the night. You will have to put her at ease - she is a wild bird loose in the jungle of New York's night-club world. She writes most of her own songs, music and all. Much love, and Happy Xmas to you both, Theresa

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