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Daisy Aldan -
Writer & editor

September 20, 1963

Dearest Nellie,

It was a great pleasure to see you and Dilys the other day - both looking so well, and Dilys streamlined and glamourous. I can't say I really saw the paintings. I'll have to go back for that, but now that I think of it, I do remember yours which were the most enjoyable to me by far of the group. I'm becoming more demanding, I believe, and expect more from paintings than I used to. You've never been a disappointment because you've never given in to the convention, and your vision is delicate. 

I'm enclosing a little book I found among my books that belongs to you. It's Pauline's poems, and I think you should have them. 

I hope we can see each other soon - either here or chez toi. I'd like you to come here, in fact, whenever you feel you have an evening free, so let me know.

Love to you both,
