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[[note]] Nell Blaine Archives [[/note]]

Trans: !
You told me first about Oaxaca and here I am again, and terribly pleased to be here. Didn't you know old Mr. Be...? He died a few years ago, but I saw his daughter, who is taking me tomorrow to Mitla.
Jean L.

Basilica de la Soledad, fachada principal 
The main facade to the basilica
Oaxaca, Oax., México
Photo by Mark Turok

Lito en México

Pub. por Figueroa, S.A., Av. Hidalgo 614, Oaxaca, Oax.

[[stamp]] CORREOS 80¢ [[/stamp]]

[[in va i e ?]]
210 Riverside Drive
New York,
N.Y. 10025
Estados Unidos

from Jean Lambert

Trans: !

You told me first about Oaxaca and here I am again, and terribly pleased to be here. Didn't you know old Mr. Be...? He died a few years ago, but I saw his daughter who is taking me tomorrow to Mitla.
Jean L. 

from Jean Lambert, (French)
I met him at Yaddo 1957-8
He was also a friend of Hyde Solomon.
J. Lambert was André Gide's son-in-law - & father of grand children & professor teaching Gide at Smith College.
He is a writer of some import., sensitivity & quality in his own right—
He also met Howard Griffin through me. 

Transcription Notes:
210 Riverside Drive - this address shows up on other postcards with clear print