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Yaddo // 23 March 1977

My dear Nell- 

Finally, "my" anemones hang on a wall which is "mine" - at least temporarily. They/It hang(s)on my third-floor studio wall here in the West House. I love them. And I love the way the picture is formed. So let me thank you all once again for giving me such a marvelous memento of Love's Aspects. It only took two years for us to get this all together. So what? The anticipation added to the pleasure I now know in "owning" this beautiful drawing. Cheers! Joy! 

Jane Mayhall sent me the Post profile on you and Caroline. Very fresh and direct I thought. Maybe someday you and C. will invite me for some of those tantalizing sounding noodles? I hope so.

I'm at Yaddo until the end of April. It remains much the same, but I miss Polly's presence very much. As for poor Elizabeth, she has been in the hospital for a month or more with broken ribs, heart problems and general decay. Very sad to see such a strong woman so brought down.

Just about finished with the new anthology of American poetry for Doubleday. (It will not have any illustrations. Too expensive with permissions rights already running to $24,000. They were only $7,800. for Love's Aspects.) I certainly will be glad to see the end of it.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you and Caroline when I'm next in NYC. The last couple of times I've been there I've been terribly rushed with scarcely a minute to myself. Next time I'll make the effort to mix pleasure with the business.

Still much snow on the grounds, but I smell Spring comin' around the bend. May it bring us together and calm our winter-withered nerves.

Until soon.

Much love... and thanks,


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