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& Co.

939 Madison Avenue
*three doors south of the Whitney*
New York City 10021

phone (212) 737 1450

Books and Co. is pleased to present:
Friday, Sept. 25, 1981, 7:30 PM



Artist Liebe Coolidge pastels on display

Denise Levertov is the author of a dozen collections of poetry, including THE DOUBLE IMAGE, HERE AND NOW, THE FREEING OF THE DUST, THE POET IN THE WORLD, FOOTPRINTS, COLLECTED EARLIER POEMS, 1940-1960, and her latest PIG DREAMS, from the Countryman Press, 1981. Ms. Levertov received such major literary awards as a Guggenheim Fellowship, the National Arts & Letters Award, the Bess Hokins, Inez Boulton and Morton Dauwan Zabel prizes. She has taught at Vassar, Berkeley, MIT, and Tufts, among others.

PROGRAM DIRECTORS for these readings are Barbara Allison Penn, Jeannette Watson, and Stan Lewis.

Forthcoming Reading: Sept. 29 (Tuesday, 7:30 PM), "Frontier - Women" - reading/discussion with Jennifer Moyer and Judith Johnson-Sherwin.

Admission $2.50
Reservations: (212) 737-1450
