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New York University
A private university in the public service

Humanities Council
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, N.Y.  10012

11 April 1983

Dear Nell Blaine,
I have just learned today that Bill McBrien, the organizer of the conference at which the Jean Garrigue program was held (November 6, 1982), would like to publish an edited transcript of the program in the Summer of 1983 issue of his quarterly TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE.

Although you were unable to attend the program, Bill and I would like to ask you to contribute to the article.  A few pages would be fine.  I enclose a copy of the very roughly edited preliminary transcript of the program to give you an idea of what was said and read.  We will print the texts of the poems read, even though they do not appear in this rough version of the transcript, so if you'd like to include one or two, by all means do.

Bill's deadline for submission of copy to his printer is June 1st, so I have to have everything to him no later than May 20th.  This means that I must have the materials in my hands for copy editing by May 12th.

We realize this leaves you little time to prepare something, and will understand if you decide not to.  But, it goes without saying, we hope you will.

And, if writing a few pages will take more time than you have to spare, perhaps you could talk them into a cassette recorder and mail it on to me for transcription.

Mary Ann Shea
Mary Anne Shea

P.S.  Should you wish to call me, you can reach me here at NYU (212-598-2807) or at my home (212-674-4951).

Sent letter & regrets - & catalog.  6-6-83