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How are you, dear Nell?  I had hoped to visit you in Gloucester during the summer, but it was a fragmented probematical [[problematical]] summer for me - for a variety of reasons, as I spent only one month - July - at Sagamore, because some heavy expenses, such a [[as]] taxes and rather extensive repair, had to be met, and the only way to do that was to rent the house during August. I could have gone back in September, but by then I had other problems, chiefly with my eyesight, which is fading rapidly, making it extremely difficult for me to finish my book. In October I signed a contract with my publishers to deliver the completed MS to them by Feb. 28 next - which gives me only ten weeks in which to write the final section. But think of you gives me courage, and the determination to overcome this handicap, not slow me down 100% in everything I do, as well as my writing. 

I hope your last show went well - I wish I could have been there, but travel any where alone - even on a bus downtown, is an expedition to the North Pole and back as far as I am concerned. Which is, of course, partly nerves, and something to be conquered!

Do write me a few lines when you can. This is not very legible - I do all my writing on the typewriter, but some how a type-written Christmas letter didn't seem right.
Much love,

[[note]] Theresa de Kerpely writer and friend of N. Blaine [[/note]]

世 Peace on Earth
界 Paix sur la Terre
和 Paz en la Tierra
平 Мир на Земле [[mir na Zemle]]

To wish you a Joyous Xmas and a happy and successful New Year.

ans'd —— 1/3/84

Transcription Notes:
shouldn't we directly transcribe the red text/characters before translating it/anglicizing it?