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Tues. Jan.25 1972

Dear Howard, Was surprised to get your card from Paris. I wrote you a letter last week to Dorset describing my schedule for the trip to Tangier but I've to cancel since I had not heard from you and they would not preserve the reservations.  Perhaps it's just as well:  I'm beleaguered by bills this month (income tax and auto insurance) and the $509.00 air fare seems too much for a week away.  I suppose now we'll have to wait for the summer to tie up somewhere.  Love on your wanderings.  Harry

HARRY MARTIN Painter & Sculptor

New York & Gloucester, Mass

found among H.G.'s belongings also a friend (not close) of N. Blaine's in Gloucester

He taught & also drove a taxi.  Was a close friend of writher Lord Kinross, English writer and the Amer. composer John La Touche.  Is with H.G. a subject in Kinross novel:  Innocents at Home.  - NB