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[[note]] for incredible File [[/note]] 

[[note]] For me Dali is a crude vulgar artist, a false artist, a philistine & an unpleasant man. I recoil whenever I see his work.
N.B. [[/note]]

3 April 1973
at Knoedler Galleries

Everyone talks about the Greek Krater recently bought by the Metropolitan Museum of Art for more than $1,000,000. In the period in which it was made, about 515 years before Christ, it was probably not sold for any kind of money. The name of the painter is known only because he signed it Euphronios. 

Today one other painter, Salvador Dali, who is much better known than this Greek and also is Catalonian with some Phoenician ancestry, has made one other vase cylindrical and with his own drawings.

The vase at the Metropolitan contains nothing, while the vase of Dali contains the first cylindric hologram with the idea of Chronos, a portrait of Alice Cooper. This marks the beginning of three-dimensional holographic artifacts for the next imminent improvement of movies and television.

When Marcel Duchamp created "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even," it was recognized as important, but today it is so significant that it is the subject of an entire book. In the same way -- after a certain number of years -- Salvador Dali's hologram will become equally important to the history of art. 

[[note]] Never. [[/note]] 

Transcription Notes:
removed [[underlined]][[preprinted]] and *** - please stick to instructions when transcribing