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Hi Nell- I thought I'd get back to you right away as my life is in an incredible uproar as usual. The garden sounds fantastic- it was fantastic even when I was there so I can hardly imagine- all that color. I am glad you have some help up there. - from a jungle to a japanese garden seems like quite a job to me. You sound really happy with it all. I want to invite myself up, but I'm thinking I won't be up to Boston again until Sept. Will you & Carolyn still be there?

No, I'm not rolling in dough but I have enough to set up a loft finally. The big problem is of course finding the neighborhood that is safe enough & feasible enough - NY is so impossible. I'm pressed to move by Sept 1 so you can imagine my state. Some setbacks- I was involved in a gruesome car accident last month which put everything on hold. I was riding in the "death seat" (passenger) and did a number on the windshield with my hard Taurean head. Really Nell, it was awful, cutting me out of the car, a concussion, etc. Pretty scarey stuff - "intimations of mortality" and all that: Since then I