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Dear Nell-

What's going on with you two___ not a word from Carolyn all summer. Hope all going well and you both are finding time for lots of paintings.

A friend out here is hoping to make a trip to Europe soon - particularly likes Germany - mountains etc. Mentioned to him about your house in the Tirol. Remember a while back your asking me if I knew anyone who would like to go over and overlook house etc for a while. He is responsible person - wants a break from his lover - so thinking about 2-3 mo. trip in fall Told him I would write you ask about - what kind of a deal you might make etc- So if you can find the time - drop me a note. If you want to rent? –make other arrangements - general expense for him in other words.

I am holding on out here - hoping something will break soon - Have been able to manage on unemploy - and sale of a few prop - for the summer - Have a couple of teaching appl. out - which I am hoping desparately for - but have not been very lucky - so far - Otherwise