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Tapachula #7
San Cristobal L.C.
Chiapas, México

Dear Nell:

I've long since wanted to write you and one thing & another always managed to get in the way - However, tho' belated the impetus came in the form of a copy of Maerad including reproductions of six works of yours and a letter from Paula Estez saying that you had given her my name and address with the idea of possible publication of reproductions of some of my work -

This was indeed a most pleasant surprise especially as I liked the issue and the set-up of the magazine. I've just written Paula Estez to thank her & to tell her that as soon as I have some photographs made of more recent work suitable for reproduction in black & white I'd send them along. The photographs I have are of very old works which do not represent the direction I've take for the past sixteen years.
How have you been since I last saw you in '79? And how is Carolyn? I always appreciate getting the announcements of your exhibitions - especially as the color reproductions are so very good. They give a most lively impression of 

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