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a rude, or possibly even an impertinent letter. It was not meant in any such way, of course, all I intended was to make sure of seeing him the next time he called. However, I know that I am pretty violent at times when I feel strongly and I did feel very strongly when I was writing that letter, so it may not have sounded as it was intended to sound. Your father's answer seemed to me a trifle chilly, which distressed me. That of course may be another instance of a thing's not being read as it was written, but however the real situation may be, [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] I wish you would tell Mr. Brush that I am sorry if I wrote discourteously & that I had only tried to make plain my regret at having missed him a second time, and also clear the sure way by which he could find me in another time. Please be so kind as to explain all this to your father for me.

Now, then, Nancy, is there no chance of you coming to New York this winter? At one time I was afraid we should be later in reaching Dublin than we had originally planned, but now my hopes are again for April because I have been wretchedly ill & run down in every possible way & every one believes the country as early as possible will be the best cure. Give my love to Mrs. Brush & Calla & very warmest regards to everyone else. With much love Jean.

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