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Letter from Jean Clemens to Nancy Brush
Canice, you keep this copy - Nancy 

                                            21 Fifth Ave.
                                            Jan. 11, '06

Dear Nancy;
     What does this long silence mean? I have not had even a whisper from you since Dec. 17th and I wrote you last on the 22nd of that month. Has anything I wrote annoyed you and created this lack of correspondence or have you merely been too busy wo write? I don't believe that you have the excuse of illness because I had a nice letter from Hildegard a few days ago, in which she spoke of the beautiful times you all had had together in Dublin.
      The other day I got angry at my bed luck in never being in when your father called.* I sat right down and wrote what to him may have sounded like a rude or possibly even an impertinent letter. It was not mean in any such way, of course, all intended was to make sure of seeing him the next time he called. However, I know that I am pretty violent at times when I feel strongly and I did feel very strongly when I was writing that letter, so it may not have sounded as it was intended to sound. Your father's answer seemed to me a trifle chilly, which distressed me. That of course may be another instance of a thing's not being read as it was written, but however the real situation may be, I wish you tell Mr. Brush that I am sorry if I wrote discourteously and that I had only tried to make plain my regret at having missed him a second time, and also clear the